Autobusos amb sortida o arribada a Miami, FL
Comoditat a bord
Els nostres autobusos disposen de seients amples i còmodes, lavabo, wifi i endolls.
Serveis a bord
Flexibilitat total
Pots cancel·lar o modificar una reserva fins a 15 minuts abans de la sortida.
Modifica el teu viatge
Viatja de forma ecològica
Els nostres eficients autobusos deixen molt poca petjada de carboni per passatger i quilòmetre.
Viatges en bus i medi ambient
Arriba a l'hora
Et portem a la teva destinació de forma còmoda i puntual: 9 de cada 10 autobusos arriben a l'hora.
Informació actualitzada de les rutes
En aquesta pàgina
Rutes populars d'autobús
Parades d'autobús a Miami, FL
Miami Intermodal Center
3801 N W 21St Street #171
33142 Miami, FL
33142 Miami, FL
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Follow signs for the Greyhound and/or FlixBus bus bays at the Miami Airport Intermodal Center.
Downtown Miami
401 Biscayne Blvd
33132 Miami, FL
33132 Miami, FL
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Bus will board at curbside bus pickup/drop-off area at Bayside Marketplace near the Torch of Friendship monument. Boarding area is on NE 4th Street, east of Biscayne Blvd, near flags and in front of Miami Visitor's Center kiosk.
Miami Golden Glades
15890 NW 7th Ave
33162 Miami, FL
33162 Miami, FL
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Bus will board from the four intercity bus bays at the Golden Glades Multimodal Facility. The intercity bus bays are located next to the Tri-Rail pedestrian bridge and across from the parking garage. Parking is available in the garage.
Miami Beach
4101 Collins Ave
33140 Miami, FL
33140 Miami, FL
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Please wait on the sidewalk in front of the Best Western Plus hotel. Please DO NOT wait inside the hotel lobby or block the hotel driveway.
Miami Beach (Newport Beachside)
16701 Collins Ave
33160 Miami, FL
33160 Miami, FL
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Please wait in front of the Newport Beachside Hotel & Resort on Collins Ave. Please do not block the driveways.
Snapper Creek Service Plaza (Northbound)
19 Ronald Reagan Turnpike
33186 Miami, FL
33186 Miami, FL
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Bus will stop in the northbound truck/bus parking area of the Snapper Creek Service Plaza across from the Shell/Dunkin.Stop is located across from the northbound Pet Park.
Snapper Creek Service Plaza (Southbound)
19 Ronald Reagan Turnpike
33186 Miami, FL
33186 Miami, FL
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Bus will stop in the southbound truck/bus parking area of the Snapper Creek Service Plaza across from the Shell/Dunkin.Stop is located across from the southbound Pet Park.
Surfside (Publix)
9400 Harding Ave
33154 Miami, FL
33154 Miami, FL
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Please wait in front of the Publix Supermarket on Harding Avenue.
Miami Beach (Grand Beach Surfside)
9449 Collins Ave
33154 Miami, FL
33154 Miami, FL
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Please wait in front of the Grand Beach Hotel Surfside hotel sign on Collins Ave.
Ciutats d'accés directe
55 |
Nombre de parades d'autobús
9 |
Descobriu més destinacions
Els serveis de bord estan subjectes a disponibilitat