Autobusos amb sortida o arribada a Filadèlfia, PA
Comoditat a bord
Els nostres autobusos disposen de seients amples i còmodes, lavabo, wifi i endolls.
Serveis a bord
Flexibilitat total
Pots cancel·lar o modificar una reserva fins a 15 minuts abans de la sortida.
Modifica el teu viatge
Viatja de forma ecològica
Els nostres eficients autobusos deixen molt poca petjada de carboni per passatger i quilòmetre.
Viatges en bus i medi ambient
Arriba a l'hora
Et portem a la teva destinació de forma còmoda i puntual: 9 de cada 10 autobusos arriben a l'hora.
Informació actualitzada de les rutes
En aquesta pàgina
Rutes populars d'autobús
Parades d'autobús a Filadèlfia, PA
199 Spring Garden St
19123 Filadèlfia, PA
19123 Filadèlfia, PA
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From the Broad Street Line (BSL) Spring Garden Station, continue on Spring Garden Street towards N 2nd St & towards the Madison War Memorial Park. The bus will stop under the overpass.
199 Spring Garden St
19123 Filadèlfia, PA
19123 Filadèlfia, PA
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FLIXBUS: From the Broad Street Line (BSL) Spring Garden Station, continue on Spring Garden Street towards N 2nd St & towards the Madison War Memorial Park. The bus will stop in the bus lane under the overpass.
Cherry Hill
2000 NJ-38
08002 Filadèlfia, PA
08002 Filadèlfia, PA
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Please wait at the surface lot with FlixBus signs across Haddonfield Road from the Midas Auto Repair Shop. From Cherry Hill Mall, please take the exit near the Build-A -Bear Workshop.
Philadelphia (Logan Square)
1701 Callowhill St
19130 Filadèlfia, PA
19130 Filadèlfia, PA
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Please wait in front of the Community College of Philadelphia Center for Business and Industry on the north curbside of Callowhill Street. Please do not block the sidewalk or the driveways.
Philadelphia 30Th St Station
56-40 Matthews Rd
19355 Filadèlfia, PA
19355 Filadèlfia, PA
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Bus will board from the PennDOT park and ride on Matthews Rd. Follow signs for "Park and Ride". The exact address of the park and ride is 56-40 Matthews Rd, Frazer, PA 19355.
Philadelphia (Schuylkill & Walnut)
NE Corner of Schuylkill Ave and Walnut St
19104 Filadèlfia, PA
19104 Filadèlfia, PA
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Bus stop is located at the Northeast Corner of the intersection of Schuylkill Ave and Walnut Street. The location is about 2 blocks south of the 30th Street Train Station.
Camden Walter Rand Trans Center
100 Broadway
08103 Filadèlfia, PA
08103 Filadèlfia, PA
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Bus will stop at the Walter Rand Transportation Center located at 100 South Broadway Boulevard.
Ciutats d'accés directe
78 |
Nombre de parades d'autobús
8 |
Descobriu més destinacions
- Nova York, NY
- Atlanta, GA
- Washington, D.C.
- Boston, MA
- Newark, NJ
- Baltimore, MD
- Indianapolis, IN
- Pittsburgh, PA
- Columbus, OH
- Charlotte, Carolina del Nord
- Richmond, VA
- St. Louis, MO
- Atlantic City, NJ
- Raleigh, NC
- Norfolk-Virginia Beach, VA
- Syracuse, NY
- Hartford, CT
- Binghamton, NY
- Allentown, PA
- Wilmington-Newark, DE
Els serveis de bord estan subjectes a disponibilitat